Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jewels that remind me of Spring

Today it is 35 degrees but the sun is out. Tricia and I are going to KU Med for her 4th round of chemo. We will probably be there until about 8:00 tonight.
My cousin Terry has fallen off her back porch and broken her pelvic bone in 2 places. She is in the hospital but Medicaid has said that they will not pay for any rehab or anything. Missouri is really a sad place for the poor. Our Govenor Matt Blount really should be removed from office about this type of thing.
The necklace is really cool. The blue and green glass remind me of Spring.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

Gus is feeling the Holiday letdown. I have been working all week on stuff for Gifted Hands Gallery. I think they are going to have to be my only focus for awhile.
Tricia has her fourth chemo treatment on Wednesday.